Show up and VOTE

Here we are, at the midterm elections. It's hard to believe that Trump has been president for two years. It's harder to believe that so many people support him.

Before I try to convince you to vote, here's a brief recap of what has happened in our country these past few years:

A qualified person with relevant experience ran for president and successfully became the first woman nominated to run for president of the United States.

A celebrity accused of sexual assault with no political experience ran against her. During the campaign she showed poise and grace. He proved to be sexist, racist, and elitist.

She received more votes. He won anyway.

Our nation was divided. Loved ones proved to others their indifference to.....sexism, racism, bigotry.

The president makes sexist and racist comments so the public feels free to do so as well. He has incited violence and the innocent blood of too many souls has been spilled because of this.

About a month and a half ago a friend posted this picture. It left me heartbroken. It demonstrates one of the many ways we have been silenced by this regime. A supreme court nominee was accused of sexual assault and with little thought he was confirmed anyway, to a high and influential position, able to serve for life. Even under oath his demeaner was childlike, and he in no way acted as someone who could faithfully serve our nation and uphold values for our citizens.

One by one our rights are being stripped away and we are becoming less of a democracy.  Through this Supreme Court nomination men and women proved they wouldn't believe their daughters, wives, friends, or sisters if they were sexually assaulted or raped.

Too many of us have have been sexually assaulted.  We have been told to keep it a secret. That we are less worthy because of it. That maybe it was our fault.

During this trial, women watched helplessly as a well respected and educated woman recounted her story. They cried silently as they relived their own experiences of sexual assault.

Many men think the women in their lives have never been assaulted. Sadly, it's more likely that these women have survived an assault, maybe multiple, they just haven't told you because they're afraid of your judgment or trying to protect you from the pain. They'll carry those moments with them for life and it will impact everything they do.

Rape culture in America is strong and it has once again been validated, this time at the highest levels of government.

But nothing is more powerful than a woman determined to rise. 

Women are running for office.
People are registering to vote.
We are making our voices be heard.
We are standing up for what is right.

History has shown us in too many brutal ways how hatred can destroy humanity. There have been wars, genocides, holocausts.

History is repeating itself.

If you've ever wondered what side of history you'd be on, now is your chance to find out.

In these past two years our nation has been torn apart. Think of...

The Alaska pipeline
Attacks on Indigenous Peoples
Limited (sometimes silenced) press
Rise of the alt right and white nationalsim, killing by Nazis on American soil
Mass shootings, and deaths of innocent children
Ivanka sitting in on meetings
Climate change amd the Paris accords
Russia and treason
The fall of our economy
The downgrade in our state of democracy
Deaths of blacks; unarmed, in their homes, in broad daylight, children
Child prisons and family separations
Refugees turned away, asylum seekers denied
Endless cases of sexual assault
Trying to make protesting illegal
Voters (mostly minorities) being blocked and denied their right to vote
The attempt to make "transgender" defined out of existence
Religious killings

I'm sure I've forgotten many evil transgressions. Unfortunately, there are so many of them.

I implore you to vote. Speak out. Stand up for others. Donate. Do something. Anything. Don't wait until it's too late. Don't wait until all our rights have been stripped away. Don't wait until there's nothing left to fight for. Don't wait until they come for you and there's no-one left to defend you.

Vote for humanity
Vote for freedom
Vote for equality
Vote because women should have rights over their own bodies
Vote because refugees and immigrants deserve a chance at a better life
Vote because minorities should have the same opportunities
Vote because love is love
Vote because it is your civic duty
Vote to save democracy and our country


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