
I am truly thankful for so many things in my life every day. But, as one does, I am taking this Thanksgiving to reflect on everything I am grateful for, because there really is a lot.

I am thankful for:

  • sunshine, flowers, trees
  • food, shelter, water 
  • freedom to choose how live my life 

I am thankful for:

  • the opportunity to learn Italian and live in Italy
  • social media because Whatsapp and Instagram are way easier than calling cards and scrapbooking! 
  • the ability to travel often with my husband 
  • having my sister by my side 
  • loved ones confiding in me  
  • empathy and the ability to talk to and relate to others 

I am thankful for:

  • the pain that has helped me grow 
  • the bad days that help me appreciate the good days. 
  • that I grow and learn every day
  • the constant opportunity to become a better person 

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. While I know the story is a brutal one, the tradition and what it stands for now holds so much importance.

Thanksgiving to me is family and friendship. And taking the time out of our busy loves to sit down and enjoy just being together. It's the one day everyone spends quality time together and dinner is the magical moment where everyone you love is around one table, enjoying each other's company. I was so fortunate to be able to have this this Thanksgiving.

This year we celebrated Thanksgiving a week early, knowing we'd be out of town today. Kim and I made almost everything from scratch (I just love cooking with my sister!) and we invited a few close friends over for dinner. And as I looked around the table I couldn't help but think about how much I truly cared about everyone there.

I don't know the exact moment each of these people became dear to me. And there's no way to know how each of them has become so important to me. But I do know that I care about everyone who was there. It was almost surreal having everyone at one table for Thanksgiving dinner in Naples. My heart was so full and I am thankful that after one year here I have been able to find a few people to love who are now important pieces of my life.

Not everyone at dinner knew each other and one person said it was like harmony - even though some were strangers, there was never a lull or silence. Everyone got along perfectly. I told them it's because I meet so many people in my travels but I only keep the best ones as friends.

I remember the moment I met each and every one of them. I remember what some of them were wearing the first time I saw them. And I remember the moment I knew I wanted I keep them in my life.

As an expat I have travelled quite extensively. I talk to everyone and can pass the time with almost anyone. I keep in touch with a select amount of people and a few make their way into may heart forever.

This year, I'm spending Thanksgiving in Ireland, road tripping with my sister and husband, two people I love more than anything in this world. These two people have taught me so much about life, the deepness and strength of love, and the importance of life. How lucky am I to be able to love them in return and to travel with them all over the world.

So here's to love, family, and friendship.

I am also thankful for:

  • moments that turned into memories
  • strangers that turned into friends 
  • friends that turned into family 
  • days that have turned into years 
  • years that have made up my life
  • and love that knows no bounds 

I really do have so much to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving


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